Gippsland Lakes ocean access dredging approvals

What Swash did Swash provided dredging approvals lead services to Gippsland Ports. Swash facilitated engagement with Commonwealth (DAWE) and State (DELWP) approvals agencies and project managed the delivery of various studies and investigations to support long-term dredging approvals applications. Notably a Marine and Coastal Act consent (Victoria) and Sea Dumping Permit (Commonwealth). Supporting studies project […]
Tweed South boat harbour dredging

What Swash did Swash provided onsite dredging and environmental supervision services for NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) Crown Lands. These services included: Discussions with Qld/NSW regulators to enable onshore disposal of contaminated sediment Onsite monitoring and management of dredging contractor activities Weekly reporting of dredging activities and environmental compliance Monitoring silt curtain […]